North London Hospice Small Logo A Wild in Art event brought to you by North London Hospice

Why an Owl?

Date published: Tuesday 12th September 2023

Why an Owl?

We’ve chosen to have a trail of owl sculptures because owls are keen, knowledgeable creatures. 

The owl is often characterised as a calm and gentle source of wisdom – and they work at night, like many of our doctors and nurses.

Owls have a peaceful sense of storytelling, passing on knowledge and stories through families and across different cultures. We hope they will bring us all together with a shared sense of history, heritage, empathy and understanding.

Owls are wise seekers, tirelessly strong, considered, and accurate. In fact, owls are like the staff at North London Hospice as we learn and grow wiser from each interaction with our patients, their loved ones, and our wider community.

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