About the auction
After the eight-week sculpture trail, the whole parliament of owls will come together at our farewell event. It’s the only chance to see all of the owls together in one place as one dazzlingly colour collection. Straight after this event at the end of October 2024 we will host a special auction to give you the opportunity to own one of these unique pieces of art while raising money for North London Hospice.
More details to follow but why not sign up to our newsletter to be the first to hear owl our updates?
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Your donations create real change
By supporting Big Fun Art Adventure you are helping to raise vital funds for North London Hospice. Our services are provided free of charge and it costs over £15.9 million a year to keep our services going. Only 40% of our funding comes from the NHS and we have to fundraise the rest.
Please consider supporting Big Fun Adventure in whatever way you can – from sponsoring an owl, to downloading our app and completing the trail, so that we can continue to provide the best of life, at the end-of-life, for everyone.
DonateA Wild in Art Event
Wild in Art is the leading producer of spectacular public art events which enrich, entertain, inform and connect communities – giving people of all ages a voice through art.
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