North London Hospice Small Logo A Wild in Art event brought to you by North London Hospice

Judy is a North London based artist who creates vibrant, contemporary paintings inspired by the natural world. She is drawn to structure and patterns in nature, and particularly focuses on capturing a sense of flowers bursting into life with their elegant, powerful forms. Judy loves capturing flowers at a large scale and in vibrant colours to contrast with their delicate nature.
Owls get a bird’s eye view of the beautiful scenery in the UK, and Judy thought it would be fun to turn her owl into a wildflower meadow scene, to reflect the beauty and colours found in nature. It is designed to be uplifting and fun and bring joy to those who see it. The grassy field is built of many layers to create depth and interest, and also a sense that you can just step in and explore.

A lasting legacy

Did you know that at the end of the trail all of the large owl sculptures are auctioned to raise money for North London Hospice? The smaller owls – our owlets – are returned to their forever homes with their school or community group.

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